Boolf Parser, Type Checker & Evaluator

Abstract : A parser, type checker and evaluator written for a custom defined, strongly typed functional language of integer and boolean expressions. Built on top of Standard ML, using the tools mllex and mlyacc.



Informally, each program in this language is a set of statements. Each statement except the last one is followed by a ;.

Function Declarations

A statement is either a function declaration of the form

fun <func_name>(<arg_name> : <arg_typ>) : <return_typ> => function_body

or an expression. Note that only single-argument functions are supported, and the types are not optional. Also, the language supports recursion for functions defined this way.


An expression can be either an integer (use NEGATE for negative integers) or a boolean constant (TRUE or FALSE) or their combinations with operators. The different boolean operators allowed are AND, OR, XOR, NOT, EQUALS, IMPLIES and integer operators allowed are PLUS, MINUS, TIMES, NEGATE, LESSTHAN, GREATERTHAN, EQUALS. Precedence and associativity rules are the same as those in the C language. Parentheses can be used to override these rules.

Variable Declarations

The language supports variable declarations through a let in end construct. The in must be followed by an expression (which could itself be a “let-expression”), and the let must be followed by a variable declaration, like x = TRUE. An example is

        x = TRUE
        x AND NOT x

Lambda Abstractions

The language supports assigning lambda functions to variables, and passing them as arguments to a function or returning them as the value of a function. Thus lambda abstractions are treated as first class objects. Inside a let in end block a lambda function can be assigned like x = fn (y:(int->bool)):bool => (y 1). The general format for lambda abstractions is thus fn (<arg_name>:<arg_type>):<ret_type> => <body>. These cannot be recursively defined. Note also that function application is done as (<function_name> <argument>).

Conditional Branching

The language supports conditional branching like so:

    if TRUE OR FALSE then
        1 PLUS 4
        1 MINUS 4

Note that both branches are necessary.

Formal Syntax

The grammar of the language is formally written through the following EBNF Definition.

    program ::= statement_list.
    statement_list ::= statement_list ";" stmnt
                    | stmnt.
    stmnt ::= "fun" identifier "(" identifier ":" type ")" ":" type "=>" expr
            | expr.
    expr ::= expr binop expr
           | unop expr
           | "if" expr "then" expr "else" expr "fi"
           | "let" identifer "=" expr "in" expr "end"
           | "fn" "(" identifier ":" type ")" ":" type "=>" expr
           | "(" expr expr ")"
           | "(" expr ")"
           | number
           | bool_const
           | identifier.
    binop ::= "PLUS"
            | "MINUS"
            | "TIMES"
            | "EQUALS"
            | "AND"
            | "OR"
            | "XOR"
            | "IMPLIES"
            | "LESSTHAN"
            | "GREATERTHAN".
    unop ::= "NEGATE"
           | "NOT".
    type ::= "int"
           | "bool"
           | type "->" type
           | "(" type ")".
    number ::= digit {digit}.
    digit ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9".
    identifier ::= letter {letter}.
    letter ::= upper_case | lower_case.
    upper_case ::= "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H" | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N" | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z".
    lower_case ::= "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i" | "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p" | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w" | "x" | "y" | "z".

Types and Type Checking

The allowed types are int, bool and (t1 -> t2) for any valid types t1, t2. The evaluator also type checks the program before evaluation and prints out an error message to the console. The message contains the reason for the type error, the line and column numbers where the error was found, as well as the Required Types and Types Present. I have made custom testcases for each kind of type error, and they are present in Type Checking Error Testcases.

Type Error Messages

  • First Expression is not a function type in function application expression
  • Types of Formal and Actual Parameters don't match in Function Application
  • Right hand side of function declaration does not agree with function result type
  • Condition in if expression doesn't have required type
  • Two arms of if expression don't have equal types
  • Right hand side of lambda function does not agree with function result type
  • Types of operands don't match required types in Binary Operator Expression
  • Type of operand doesn't match required type in Unary Operator Expression
  • Variable <var_name> has not been declared

Output Format

The output consists of 3 sections:

1. Type Checking

This contains the type of each statement in the program (for function declarations we display a custom message with the type of the function). Each statement’s type is delimited by two lines of hyphens.

2. Evaluated Values

This contains the evaluated value (the normal form of our calculus) of each statement, again delimited by two lines of hyphens. When the value is an integer or boolean, we simply display it along with its type, and when it is a Lambda Abstraction or function declaration, we display its type along with the Abstract Syntax Tree of the normal form (reducing the body to the normal form might include things like reducing a “0 PLUS 1” inside the function declaration body to “1”).

3. Abstract Syntax Trees

This contains the Abstract Syntax Trees of each statement, again delimited by two lines of hyphens. The ASTs have been pretty printed using a specially designed printing function.

Execution Instructions

  • Make sure you have the MLTon compiler for Standard ML installed. The tools mllex and mlyacc are also required, they should be installed along with the MLTon compiler in case of a normal installation.
  • Navigate to the directory containing the Makefile.
  • Type make to compile the parser. An executable named boolf will be generated.
  • Run ./boolf <PathToInputFile> to execute.
  • If you want to compile again, run make clean followed by make.
Ramneet Singh
Ramneet Singh
Dual Degree (B.Tech- M.Tech) Student

My (desired) research interests include programming languages and machine learning.
