
[01/01/2024] : Excited to be a Teaching Assistant for two courses (!!) at IIT Delhi this semester – COL726 : Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing and COL728 : Compiler Design. I learned a ton from both these courses when I took them, and I hope to learn another ton this time.

[27/12/2023] : Arrived in Atlanta to work as a Research Assistant at Georgia Tech SCS with Suguman Bansal. I have been working on my M. Tech. Project with Suguman, and will continue that work for the next four months. We will (hopefully) make probabilistic model checking faster!

[24/07/2023] : I will be a Teaching Assistant for the course COL703 : Logic in Computer Science at IIT Delhi. The course covers many foundational concepts in logic, which are always nice to revisit.

[19/01/2023]: I will be serving on the CAV 2023 Artifact Evaluation Committee. This is my first experience serving on a conference committee.

[03/01/2023]: Selected to attend Research Week with Google from 29-31 January, 2023. Looking forward to visit Bangalore after a gap of 6 years!

[02/01/2023]: Excited(!) to be a Teaching Assistant for the course COL226: Programming Languages at IIT Delhi. It is always nice to learn from SAK. I hope to help my juniors have a good experience.